John Atack, Family and Friends
Episode: leaving the Mormons, and trauma recovery Jolyn reveals her story of growing up Mormon, her exit from the church, and how she overcame the suffering it caused in her life. Watch Video
Beyond the Rut
Episode: Achieving your best life after catastrophe Jolyn Armstrong discovered that when an idyllic life is turned upside down by catastrophe you can still achieve your best life. let’s get started!
Fit2Fat 2Fit
Episode: Navigating Life-changing Trauma Jolyn suffered a traumatic event, and her life was changed forever. However, through her own personal experience and thousands of hours of research, Jolyn ultimately built a program to help others cope with trauma and find...
The Mark Struczewski Podcast
Episode: Perspectives on Emotional Trauma Jolyn discovered that even an idyllic life can be turned upside down in an instant by a crisis. In this podcast you’ll learn why she embarked on her mission to help those in crisis to overcome the trauma, end the pain, find...